Article: No one has "standing"? |
The Owners have no standing to enforce the Constitution on the executive employee that they elected?
How can that be true?
This is happening now because your congressional employees have breached your American Social Construct without your consent or permission. But, you hold Popular Sovereignty not them! The fact is, they work for you, and they are your employees.
Former White-house Ethics Attorney, University of Minnesota Law Professor, and Harvard Law graduate Richard Painter explains, “The courts have rejected "social contract" theory standing arguments for organizations and people who claim to be on the other side of such a contract. To the extent there is such a contract the courts hold that the enforcement mechanism is political. Which means Congress”.
Or We the People. That is, You, Citizen Owner Manager and Voter. All of US, We the People. Together. United.
In this explanation, notice that the Professor says "Congress", which is the Legislative Branch of your employee government. Your American Social Construct expressly states that you, the Owner, holds Popular Sovereignty, read the Declaration of Independence page of this website and the Constitution page. Only you, the Owner, has the Popular Sovereignty to "alter" or "abolish" the employee government according to the Declaration of Independence.
You are this important and you are this powerful, when you claim your inheritance, by joining this community.
See for yourself by review of the Your Inheritance heading that; not the Judicial Branch, not the Legislative Branch, and not the Executive Employee Branch, but YOU, hold Popular Sovereignty and Management Authority, because you are the Owner Manager.
Thus. You, the Owner pro se, (Latin for The Owner in person), must now show the Supreme Court that under federal law you have claimed and taken possession of your contracted rights as expressed in your American Social Construct, for the purpose of fulfilling them.
Yes, it sounds hard, but it is as easy as supporting this community. When you do, you have publicly stated your dedication to the fulfillment of the American Social Construct, which is the mission of this community.
As a community, you can fully protect your rights and your Constitution, which is the third element of your American Social Construct.
This is an Ethical Imperative, for you, your nation, and the choice before you is clear.
Do nothing, and lose your Ownership Powers and Privileges forever, because you knowingly let the Constitution and your American Social Construct be breached and broken by your executive employee Donald J. Trump, while you did nothing! When you could have lawfully done something as easy as claiming your inheritance by joining this online community for one year.
[Another way to say this is.] By knowingly allowing your employee Mr. Donald J. Trump, not to abide by the Constitution; You, the Owner, have confirmed that He is above the Law that you have to obey, and that you, the Owner, are not going to do anything about it.
You can... Step up and formally claim you ownership for $91.25 and you will make the difference in America's future.
That is correct, you can alter the course of American History and fulfill the Constitutional element of the American Social Construct.
Why is this your decision? Your taxes pay the employee government.
You are this important to the nation that you own. Citizen, your life matters and so does your Federal Law. This is your America, so-says the Law.
What say you, about the fulfillment of your constitutional law, the fulfillment your rights and the fulfillment of your privileges?
Before you answer, explore this web site, discover and confirm what you find here.
Then decide what the facts are and consider what your reaction is going to be. Then act as an informed American Citizen.
You are this important. You are the Owner.
Former White House Ethics Attorney, University of Minnesota Law Professor, and Harvard Law graduate Richard Painter Richard, wrote back: “That is an accurate quote. My main objective is to steer public anger for breach of this construct toward the people who are supposed to be enforcing it, their representatives in Congress whose job it is to hold the president accountable.”
Professor. The Owner Managers of this online community agree with you, this is a “breach of the American Social Construct”.
We take this opportunity to inform you, and all Americans, that this community is united in taking on the work of holding our employee accountable and setting the record straight about who holds Popular Sovereignty, ownership and management authority of the United States of America by the terms of the American Social Construct.
Thank you for your council Professor, you have earned our gratitude and respect.
This expresses the magnitude of what you the contributors to this campaign can achieve.
Nothing less than changing the course of Americas' future.
What we need & what you’ll get:
America needs you to join this evolutionary community by claiming your Ownership.
The Impact for you, is both personal and political:
You will be the "one" that makes the difference and actually changes the course of Americas' future by claiming your Inheritance as required by the federal law expressed in the American Social Construct.
Risks & Challenges:
The Founding Fathers said it best, “United We Stand, divided we fall”. In this case we have fallen into gridlock.
Risk: Can “We the People” stand together as Owners? Will you, stand with us?
Challenge: Not falling by division, into republicans, or democrats, and gridlock; but uniting as Americas' Owners.
Other ways you can help build this online community:
Spread the word by Email, text, tweet, Facebook, Snap Shot, {use them all} ... Most importantly, talk this topic over with your family and then your friends.
Thank You for exploring your inheritance, your national history, and your important role in it.
Today, only you have the authority and power to lawfully compel your employee, Donald J. Trump to comply to constitutional law by simply claiming your inheritance.
Your executive employee, the president, the ethical leader of your nation, is publicly breaking the law of your Constitution.
Only You can hold him accountable and alter the course of Americas' future. Does Donald get a pass or do you hold him, and Congress, accountable?
What say-you? You are the Owner.
How can that be true?
This is happening now because your congressional employees have breached your American Social Construct without your consent or permission. But, you hold Popular Sovereignty not them! The fact is, they work for you, and they are your employees.
Former White-house Ethics Attorney, University of Minnesota Law Professor, and Harvard Law graduate Richard Painter explains, “The courts have rejected "social contract" theory standing arguments for organizations and people who claim to be on the other side of such a contract. To the extent there is such a contract the courts hold that the enforcement mechanism is political. Which means Congress”.
Or We the People. That is, You, Citizen Owner Manager and Voter. All of US, We the People. Together. United.
In this explanation, notice that the Professor says "Congress", which is the Legislative Branch of your employee government. Your American Social Construct expressly states that you, the Owner, holds Popular Sovereignty, read the Declaration of Independence page of this website and the Constitution page. Only you, the Owner, has the Popular Sovereignty to "alter" or "abolish" the employee government according to the Declaration of Independence.
You are this important and you are this powerful, when you claim your inheritance, by joining this community.
See for yourself by review of the Your Inheritance heading that; not the Judicial Branch, not the Legislative Branch, and not the Executive Employee Branch, but YOU, hold Popular Sovereignty and Management Authority, because you are the Owner Manager.
Thus. You, the Owner pro se, (Latin for The Owner in person), must now show the Supreme Court that under federal law you have claimed and taken possession of your contracted rights as expressed in your American Social Construct, for the purpose of fulfilling them.
Yes, it sounds hard, but it is as easy as supporting this community. When you do, you have publicly stated your dedication to the fulfillment of the American Social Construct, which is the mission of this community.
As a community, you can fully protect your rights and your Constitution, which is the third element of your American Social Construct.
This is an Ethical Imperative, for you, your nation, and the choice before you is clear.
Do nothing, and lose your Ownership Powers and Privileges forever, because you knowingly let the Constitution and your American Social Construct be breached and broken by your executive employee Donald J. Trump, while you did nothing! When you could have lawfully done something as easy as claiming your inheritance by joining this online community for one year.
[Another way to say this is.] By knowingly allowing your employee Mr. Donald J. Trump, not to abide by the Constitution; You, the Owner, have confirmed that He is above the Law that you have to obey, and that you, the Owner, are not going to do anything about it.
You can... Step up and formally claim you ownership for $91.25 and you will make the difference in America's future.
That is correct, you can alter the course of American History and fulfill the Constitutional element of the American Social Construct.
Why is this your decision? Your taxes pay the employee government.
You are this important to the nation that you own. Citizen, your life matters and so does your Federal Law. This is your America, so-says the Law.
What say you, about the fulfillment of your constitutional law, the fulfillment your rights and the fulfillment of your privileges?
Before you answer, explore this web site, discover and confirm what you find here.
Then decide what the facts are and consider what your reaction is going to be. Then act as an informed American Citizen.
You are this important. You are the Owner.
Former White House Ethics Attorney, University of Minnesota Law Professor, and Harvard Law graduate Richard Painter Richard, wrote back: “That is an accurate quote. My main objective is to steer public anger for breach of this construct toward the people who are supposed to be enforcing it, their representatives in Congress whose job it is to hold the president accountable.”
Professor. The Owner Managers of this online community agree with you, this is a “breach of the American Social Construct”.
We take this opportunity to inform you, and all Americans, that this community is united in taking on the work of holding our employee accountable and setting the record straight about who holds Popular Sovereignty, ownership and management authority of the United States of America by the terms of the American Social Construct.
Thank you for your council Professor, you have earned our gratitude and respect.
This expresses the magnitude of what you the contributors to this campaign can achieve.
Nothing less than changing the course of Americas' future.
What we need & what you’ll get:
America needs you to join this evolutionary community by claiming your Ownership.
The Impact for you, is both personal and political:
You will be the "one" that makes the difference and actually changes the course of Americas' future by claiming your Inheritance as required by the federal law expressed in the American Social Construct.
Risks & Challenges:
The Founding Fathers said it best, “United We Stand, divided we fall”. In this case we have fallen into gridlock.
Risk: Can “We the People” stand together as Owners? Will you, stand with us?
Challenge: Not falling by division, into republicans, or democrats, and gridlock; but uniting as Americas' Owners.
Other ways you can help build this online community:
Spread the word by Email, text, tweet, Facebook, Snap Shot, {use them all} ... Most importantly, talk this topic over with your family and then your friends.
Thank You for exploring your inheritance, your national history, and your important role in it.
Today, only you have the authority and power to lawfully compel your employee, Donald J. Trump to comply to constitutional law by simply claiming your inheritance.
Your executive employee, the president, the ethical leader of your nation, is publicly breaking the law of your Constitution.
Only You can hold him accountable and alter the course of Americas' future. Does Donald get a pass or do you hold him, and Congress, accountable?
What say-you? You are the Owner.